The procedure for the submission and the rules for the design of articles for publication in
The procedure for the submission and the rules for the design of articles for publication in the scientific peer-reviewed journal “The Bulletin of Science of the Adyghe Republican Research Institute of the Humanities named after T.M.Kerashev”
The peer-reviewed journal “The Bulletin of Science” is the printed organ of the Adyghe Republican Research Institute of the Humanities named after T.M.Kerashev. The founder is the Adyghe Republican Research Institute of the Humanities named after T.M. Kerashev. The journal’s index in the all-Russian catalog is 85021.
16. The executive secretary notifies the author that the manuscript has been accepted (or not accepted) for review by e-mail within five working days from the date of the author’s materials submission.
17. All submitted article manuscripts are reviewed according to the reviewing procedure established by the Institute.
18. In case of rejection of the article to publication on the content aspect, the editorial board notifies the author.
19. The editorial Board does not consider the articles’ manuscripts submitted without complying with these requirements.
20. Materials received for publication are not returned to the authors.
21. Publication fee is not charged.
22. The opinions expressed in the articles reflect personal views and do not necessarily coincide with the views of the editorial board and editorial staff.
23. The date of the article manuscript’s receipt is indicated in the published article. In case of the article manuscript’s significant revision, the date of receipt of the final article’s text is indicated by the editorial board.
24. The editorial Board reserves the right to send the manuscript for independent examination.
25. Publication materials are submitted to the editorial office in person or sent to the address: 385000, The Republic of Adygheya, Maykop, Krasnoktyabrskaya street,13, telephone (88772) 52-16-23. Fax: (88772) 57-03-48 o the e-maol; .
The peer-reviewed journal “The Bulletin of Science” is the printed organ of the Adyghe Republican Research Institute of the Humanities named after T.M.Kerashev. The founder is the Adyghe Republican Research Institute of the Humanities named after T.M. Kerashev. The journal’s index in the all-Russian catalog is 85021.
- The journal accepts for publication articles containing new results of scientific and practical studies in the field of philology, history, ethnology, theory and history of culture, philosophy, economics, not previously published and not transmitted to the editors of other journals; as well as the most important events in scientific and public life and information materials about the Institute.
- The text of the article should be carefully read by the author (authors) and signed.
- The text of the article is typed in the MS WORDS editor (with a dok. extension), “Times New Roman” font, 14 size, interval 1,5, in A4 format. The text margins are standard. All pages are numbered.
- The article volume should not exceed 12 pages of a printed text, including illustrations and tables (number of figures is no more than 4, tables-no more than 2).
- It is indicated before the text of the article:
- --UDC index (information about UDC classifier; http;//teacjde. coml online/udc/ in Russian;
- --article’s title in capital letters, in bold, in the centre;
- -- surname and initials of the authors, institution, city, country, position, academic degree, mailing address, telephone, e-mail (in Russian and English languages);
- --volume of the article’s abstract is 10-15 lines, which should not duplicate the introductory and final parts of the article (in Russian and English languages), and should include: the purpose, methods, results, conclusions;
- --keywords (5-10) (in Russian and English languages)
- 6. Figures are created in jpg. Format, are inserted directly into the text and numbered in order they are mentioned in the text, for example (“table 1”).
- 7. The presentation of the material should be clear and brief. The text should be carefully verified. The article should be structured meaning it contains the study’s goal, the material and methods of research, the discussion of the results, and conclusion. Manuscripts sent to the journal are the originals for printing and should be the material not previously published in other printed media.
- 8. Articles reflecting the study results should fully meet the requirements for the submission to the journal.
- 9. All formulas are typed in the Microsoft Equation 3.0 editor, tables in MS word format. The text of the article should contain links to illustrated materials.
- 10. Abbreviations in inscriptions are not allowed.
- 11. The authors of the articles should submit with the manuscript:
- --one external certified review made by the professional having the degree of candidate or doctor of sciences;
- -- electronic media (flash card).
- 12. The reference to the quote is indicated after it in square brackets: first, the source number of the quote from the bibliographic list is presented, then after the colon< the page number. For example, [10:81] or it the quoted text goes to the next page [10:81-82]. The author is responsible for the validity of quotes.
- 13. The reference list contains the list of the domestic authors’ works also including foreign authors’ works translated into Russian. Then the list of literary sources published in foreign languages is given as well as domestic scientists’ works translated into the foreign languages. Unpublished works and textbooks are not included in the reference list. Including your own articles in the reference list is not recommended. All authors should be presented in the bibliographic list. Expressions like “and co-author” are not allowed. The author is responsible for the accuracy of data provided in the bibliographic list of the article.
- 14. The reference list (including all authors) is given at the end of the article, numbered starting from the first number in citation order. It is preceded by the word “Reference” and drawn up in accordance with GOST R7.0. 5. -2008 (in Russian and English languages and in transliteration).
- The list of used sources should begin with the surname and initials and include:
- --for books –title, place and year of publication, publishing house, volume number, pages;
- --for journal articles - journal title, publication year, issue volume number, pages;
- --for newspapers - title, year, month, date. References to unpublished works are not allowed.
16. The executive secretary notifies the author that the manuscript has been accepted (or not accepted) for review by e-mail within five working days from the date of the author’s materials submission.
17. All submitted article manuscripts are reviewed according to the reviewing procedure established by the Institute.
18. In case of rejection of the article to publication on the content aspect, the editorial board notifies the author.
19. The editorial Board does not consider the articles’ manuscripts submitted without complying with these requirements.
20. Materials received for publication are not returned to the authors.
21. Publication fee is not charged.
22. The opinions expressed in the articles reflect personal views and do not necessarily coincide with the views of the editorial board and editorial staff.
23. The date of the article manuscript’s receipt is indicated in the published article. In case of the article manuscript’s significant revision, the date of receipt of the final article’s text is indicated by the editorial board.
24. The editorial Board reserves the right to send the manuscript for independent examination.
25. Publication materials are submitted to the editorial office in person or sent to the address: 385000, The Republic of Adygheya, Maykop, Krasnoktyabrskaya street,13, telephone (88772) 52-16-23. Fax: (88772) 57-03-48 o the e-maol; .