the scientific journal “The Bulletin of Science” of the Adyghe Republican Research Institute of Humanities named after T.M. Kerashev.1.1.The scientific journal “The Bulletin of Science of the Adyghe Republican Research Institute of Humanities named after T.M. Kerashev” is published in accordance with the Federal legislation on mass media and the Charter of GBU RA “The Adyghe Republican Research Institute of Humanities named after T.M. Kerashev” and the Regulations on the journal.
1.2. The journal was founded in 2009. The founder is GBU RA “The Adyghe Republican Research Institute of Humanities named after T.M. Kerashev”.
1.3. The journal has been registered by the International Centre for Registration of world periodicals and the printed version index is ISSN 22303-9159.
1.4. The subscription index in “The Joint Catalog of Press of Russia. “Post of Russia” is 85021.
1.5. The journal is published in printed form with a frequency of four issues per year and has an electronic version, which is identical in content to the printed form and is posted on the Internet after the publication of the printed version of the issue.
The scientific research results of the Institute scientists, researchers from other organizations, higher educational institutions’ teachers and doctoral and postgraduate students are reflected in the scientific journal.
II. Basic information.2.1. As part of Russian and a regional scientific and information system the scientific journal is involved in providing the following tasks:
-reflection of scientific research results of scientific and practical activities of the Institute’s employees and the researchers from other organizations;
-promoting the main achievements of the scientific institution;
-identifying the scientific potential for introducing advanced scientific advances into the learning process;
-formation of an open scientific polemic, which contributes to the quality of dissertation research and the effectiveness of the scientific papers examination;
-ensuring transparency and openness in reflecting the scientific issues of the research teams of the Institute’s departments;
2.2. The main purpose of the scientific journal’s issue is to publish the scientific works of the Institute’s scientists and domestic and foreign specialists on the topical issues of the fundamental and applied research in the field of Humanities.
III. The scientific journal structureThe scientific journal includes the articles of the Institute’s scientists, researchers from other organizations, higher educational institute teachers, doctoral and postgraduate students in the following areas:
-ethnography and cultural studies;
-philosophy and sociology;
IV. Submitting articles procedure
for publication in the scientific journal “The Bulletin of Science of ARRIH” 4.1. Articles containing new results of scientific and practical research (as well as information materials about the Institute) relevant to the journal’s profile, not published previously and not submitted to the editorial board of other journals are accepted for publication in the journal.
4.2. The volume of the article should not exceed 12 pages of printed text including illustrations and tables (the number of figures should not exceed 4 and the number of tables should not exceed 2).
4.3. The authors of the articles should submit to the information and publishing department:
-article designed in accordance with the rules of articles’ design, submitted for publication in the journal;
-recommendation of the scientific research department of the institution where that article was performed;
-information about authors (surname, name, patronymic, place of work, position, academic degree, title, postal address, telephone, e-mail)
4.4. Each author can publish two articles in mono-authorship or not more than one article in co- authorship in one issue.
4.5. The executive secretary notifies the author that the manuscript has been accepted (or not accepted) for review by e-mail within five working days from the date of the author’s materials submission.
4.6. All submitted article manuscripts are reviewed. The review procedure is established by a separate regulation of the Institute.
4.7. In case of rejection of the article to publication on the content aspect, the executive secretary notifies the author.
4.8. The editorial Board does not consider the articles’ manuscripts submitted without complying with these requirements.
4.9. Materials received for publication are not returned to the authors.
4.10. The date of the article manuscript’s receipt is indicated in the published article. In case of the manuscript’s significant revision, the date of receipt of the final article’s text is indicated by the editorial Board.
4.11. The editorial Board reserves the right to edit articles with the preservation of the author’s version of the scientific content.
V. The editorial Board’s staff and functions.5.1 Preparation forthe journal’spublication is carried by the editorial Board.
5.2. The editorial Board is headed by the Editor-in-Chief.
5.3. The Editor-in-Chief has one Deputy Editor-in-Chief.
5.4. The editorial Board has the executive editor in its staff.
5.5. The journal’s editorial Board is formed on the principal of maximum representation of various science areas from among the leading scientists of ARRIH and scientists from other organizations.
5.6. Members of the editorial Board can participate in scientific editing of articles on behalf of the editor.
5.7. By the decision of the editorial Board: the appendices to the journal are published; the design of the journal, the cover, the issues are approved; the journal’s format, circulation and periodicity are established and changed in case of need; the proposals of journal’s status or its liquidation are accepted.
VI. The editorial Board’s duties. 6.1. The editorial Board members participate in drawing up of long-term journal plans and discussing the content of each journal’s issue.
6.2. The Editor-in-Chief coordinates the entire cycle of work on each journal issue completing, articles’ review, their printing, editing, distributing and placing the journal’s electronic version on the Internet. He approves each journal’s issue “To type”, “To print”, “To release”. The Editor-in-Chief can resign part of his/her commission to his/her Deputy Editor-in-Chief or to the executive Editor.
6.3. The executive Editor coordinates editorial Board’s activities; controls the entry and the processing of submitted materials; sends the articles for review and controls the timing of their peer-review; determines the optional timing of pre-press preparation of articles and the publication of the scientific journal.
6.4. The editorial Board regulates the conditions of scientific articles’ publication and establishes the rules for the submission of materials for publication in the journal.
6.5. The editorial Board analyses and evaluates the article for compliance with the declared scientific tendency and the requirements for the design of scientific journal articles.
6.6. The editorial Board may reject the articles if they do not meet the established requirements and the rules for submitting of materials.
VII. Functions of the editorial Board.7.1. The editorial Board provides registration incoming materials; review, correspondence with authors; distribution of proofreading; forms the content of each issue and preparation of the authors’ originals and electronic versions of articles for submission to the printing house.
7.2. The monitors the compliance with the requirements for the design of manuscripts of the articles in accordance with the Uniform requirements for requirements submitted to the journals.
VIII. The reviewing.8.1. The Executive editor sends all submitted manuscripts to the specialists with a Doctor’s or Candidate’s degree for the peer-review.
8.2. The reviewers are notified that the submitted manuscripts are the authors’ private property and belong to the information that is not subject to disclosure. The peer-review is conducted confidentially. The reviewers are not allowed to make copies. Confidentiality breach is possible only in the case of allegation of unreliability and falsification of materials. The author of the reviewed work has the opportunity to read the text of the review.
8.3. The decision to publish the reviewed article is made by the Editor –in-Chief and by the editorial Board as a whole, if necessary.
IX. Published materials.9.1. Thescientific journal publishes scientific articles, materials of scientific sessions and conferences, greetings for anniversary dates, obituaries and information materials.
9.2. Authors submit the articles in electronic version with a printout. The rules for the authors are developed by the editorial Board and approved by the Editor–in-Chief. If necessary, these rules may be revised, but no more than once a year.
9.3. The correcting of articles of each scientific journal’s issue is sent to the authors for reconciliation.
9.4. The author’s research paper fee is not payable.
9.5. Promotional material published in the scientific journal should not contain advertising for products that may be harmful to health.
“The Bulletin of Science ARRIH”- The editorial Board of the journal “The Bulletin of Science of ARRIH” is established on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council of the Adyghe Republican Research Institute of Humanities named after T.M. Kerashev”. The editorial Board consists of the Editor–in-Chief, the Deputy Editor–in-Chief, the Executive editor and the members of the editorial Board.
- The editorial Board carries out the scientific and organizational management of the journal: it approves the journal’s thematic plans, carries out expertise and recommends the articles for publication or rejects those articles that do not meet the requirements for publication.
- The Editor-in Chief meetings of the editorial Board are held within the deadlines set by the Editor-in Chief.
- The Editor-in Chief supervises the work of the editorial Board, approves the journal’s issues for typing and seal printing, represents the editorial Board in state bodies, institutions, public organizations, if necessary carries out contractual relations with organizations and authors on the basis of norms and provisions of copyright.
- The Deputy Editor–in-Chief carries out the instructions on the management and organization of the editorial Board’s work and performs the duties of the Editor–in-Chief in his absence.
- The members of the editorial Board organize and conduct peer review of the articles in the assigned sections of the journal. They recommend the reviewers, recommend or reject publications, based on scientific expertise and facilitate distribution of the journal.
- The Executive editor is responsible for the implementation of the decisions made by the editorial Board, the Editor–in-Chief and by the Deputy Editor–in-Chief. He collects the materials, ensures the registration of submitted materials (together with the members of the editorial Board), peer-review, correspondence with the authors, mailing of proofreading. The Executive editor generates the content of each journal issue, preparations of the author originals and electronic article versions for submission to the RNC. He monitors the articles design’s compliance with the GOST and the Rules for the authors and provides free copies according to the mailing list.
1.8. The editorial Board structure may be changed by the decision of the members themselves.
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